“Water Flows or Blood”, “Water or War”, “Indian
Water Bomb”, “Liberate Kashmir to Secure Water” – these are some of the man
slogans used by
groups such as the Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD). They are using the simmering water
issue to call for a jihad against India. The slogans allude to Pakistan’s anxiety, as a lower riparian,
that India could turn it barren by cutting off water supplies of the Indus.
A 2013 report by the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) showed Pakistan as one of the most “water stressed”
countries in the world. In a recent statement by Chaudhry Abid Sher Ali,
Pakistan’s minister for water and power blamed India for the shortage of water
in Pakistan as it constructed dams and other hydropower project along the Indus
and warned that such shortage will “spell catastrophe for Pakistan”.
Such incidents lead to perception raised by Indian scholars and
politicians that Pakistan is politicizing trans-boundary water issues. Water
becomes inevitably linked to politics and affects ongoing tensions between the
two neighbours. Parts of the Indian intelligentsia go as far as to
hypothesize that water may replace Kashmir as the most explosive political
issue determining the future of Indo-Pakistan relations.
In 1960, both India and
Pakistan complied and signed the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) assigning the entire
flow of the three eastern rivers – the Sutlej, Beas and Ravi – to India, the western
rivers – the Chenab, Jhelum and Indus – to Pakistan. Through its administrative
organ, the Indus Commission, composed of Indian and Pakistani representatives,
the IWT provides for specific conflict resolution mechanisms. If the Commission
is unable to resolve a dispute then it will be handed over to the governments
of India and Pakistan who then consult a neutral expert as a last step before
the dispute is finally settled in a Court of Arbitration. With this multi-step
settlement mechanism and its detailed wording the founding fathers wanted to
ensure the IWT’s ability to settle water disputes between the two are on a
functional rather than a political basis.
though India’s compliance with the restrictions of the IWT was assured,
Pakistan in 1966 first raised concerns that India was interfering with the flow
of the western rivers violating certain provisions of the Treaty. As the lower
riparian of the Indus, Pakistan is anxiety ridden. It perceives its
geographical disadvantage and vulnerability as a security threat and is
constantly worried that its neighbour could either run the country dry by
cutting off necessary water supplies or release excess water causing flooding
downstream. Pakistan’s fears have led to disputes over many Indian hydropower
projects on the western rivers that could be resolved bilaterally by discussions
on government level.
such project is the Baglihar dam on the Chenab which caused greater hurdles for
the IWT’s dispute resolution mechanism. It marked an important “turning point
in the history of the IWT”, when Pakistan in 2005 decided to refer the matter
to a neutral expert. It was the first time in the history of the Treaty a
dispute was referred to a neutral expert; the findings were known to be of
precedent-setting importance for future disputes. The report suggested some minor
technical adjustments on the dam but generally supported the Indian project’s
accordance with the IWT. Pakistan was of course, dissatisfied and accused the neutral
expert of jeopardising the future of Pakistan by “re-interpreting” the Treaty.
On the bilateral,
national level, water is not treated as the major subject for discussions and
disputes. On the sub-national level, with heated discussions in the Pakistani
media and agitation by terrorist groups, a different picture begins to emerge. As
previously mentioned, organisations like the JuD have fervently started using the water issue to inflame public opinion and accuse India of
“water terrorism.” They have organised public rallies, delivered anti-India
speeches on TV and use publications like Zarb-e-Momin
(a publication of Al-Rasheed Trust), Jarrar (a publication of Jamaat-ud-Dawa) and Al-Qalam (a publication of
Jaish-e-Muhammad) to spread their message. The
actions and rhetoric of militant groups show that they have taken on the water
issue to be utilised as an instrument to gain public support for their general
anti-Indian agenda.
In recent years, the Baglihar dispute has re-entered
the political arena on a national and, foremost, sub-national level. It has gained
prominence in the public arena and serves as an instrument to engender resentment
against India.